Web sites for the people


Some stats for thietkeweb.vn

Total number of websites with verified e-mail: 8
Number of these that are active and unique: 0
Payments made from all websites coming from thietkeweb.vn: 0 (0% conversion)

Earlier than 21 march 2013:
50% comission of those that have paid for premium: 0 USD (or 0 * 6.78 = 0 SEK)

After 21 march 2013:
200 SEK (~$30) for each signup that continues with Premium: 0 * 200 = 0 SEK. (0 pending, estimated value: 0 SEK)

Total earned comission: 0 SEK

25 Sep 2012 08:08www.ib888.n.nuInstalled+verified
27 Aug 2012 15:19www.vntnt.n.nuInstalled+verified
7 Jul 2012 08:24www.phisonghao.n.nuInstalled+verified
6 Apr 2012 12:23www.vieclamquangninh.n.nuInstalled+verified
2 Apr 2012 06:08www.seovn.n.nuInstalled+verified
28 Feb 2012 05:28www.suadieuhoa.n.nuInstalled+verified
23 Feb 2012 18:21www.keosuashop.n.nuInstalled+verified
17 Feb 2012 06:13www.buigiathinh.n.nuInstalled+verified

(Limited to the latest 100)

Please note that users can upgrade to premium without paying by referring N.nu to others.


By becoming an affiliate to N.nu you can start making money very easily. You don't need to register to start earning!

Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or want to make a withdrawal.

Method 1: a normal link

Just link to https://n.nu.

Referrals will be tracked using $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] which means that the link have to be placed on your page and the visitor has to click it in order to be tracked.

Method 2: link with tracking

A link with tracking suits better for those that want to link from for example a forum that is not their own, e-mails, twitter, facebook and so forth.

Just link to https://n.nu/?referrer=thietkeweb.vn

Make sure you don't forget to replace "thietkeweb.vn" with your domain.

Method 3: banner with your own signup form

When using this method you should first have a selling content and then the below signup forms. The language of these banners depends on the browser of the person viewing it.

You can also use this banner code:

This is how it will look and it works the same as a link (468 x 60 pixel standard banner size):

You can also use this code:

This is how it will look like:

You can also use this code (replace "thietkeweb.vn" with your domain):

This is how it will look like:

URL to this page for bookmarking: